signature program

{E44} Creating Your Signature Program in 6 Easy Steps With Janet Kafadar

Signature Program Specialist Janet Kafadar joins me today to talk all about creating your first signature program online. She shares how she first started out as a VA but soon realized that wasn’t her thing, but rather she wanted to focus on helping people launch. She identified a gap in the market seeing that there was a lot of information about launching but a gap between going from the idea and creation side of things.

A signature program is unique to you and sets you apart from your competitors and there is no right time to create a signature program.  There is nothing wrong with starting small with small products and growing from there.


Key Takeaways:

  • A signature program is unique to you and sets you apart from your competitors.
  • Start by creating a statement: what are your ideal customers painpoints and concerns? What is the outcome?
  • Write down 8-10 learning objectives.
  • Map out content first, technology comes later.


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I want to hear from you! Are you creating a signature program? Tweet me @SandySidhu #BusinessIgnite and let me know

About Janet Kafadar

Janet Kafadar - Signature Program SpecialistJanet Kafadar helps entrepreneurs create a biz and lifestyle they’ve ALWAYS desired to give you: more TIME, more MONEY and to reach more people. She is on a mission to help you find ways to help your clients more but work less. Connect with her at

webinar guide

{E43} Fast Fix Fridays #10 Creating Webinar Content Without Giving It All Away

This week’s Fast Fix Friday episode, I answer a listener question regarding webinars. The question: I want to do webinars but how do I create my content without giving it all away and leaving some interest in my products and services?
When I create my webinars, I focus on the WHY and my products/services are the HOW. For example, in my recent webinar series Create, Promote and Profit With Webinars I talk about the 6 reasons why you should do webinars and while I do touch upon the techy aspects of how to do it, it’s not my entire focus.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on the WHY and sell the HOW
  • People should walk away with enough information to go out and get started but if they are interested in more and want to get help with the actual HOW which is in my case setting everything up I offer them my DIY Webinar Guide.


Have a question for an upcoming episode? Tweet me @SandySidhu, leave me a Speakpipe or send me an email

Coming Soon!

{E42} I want to hear from you! Get featured in Episode 50

I’m getting ready to record my 50th episode which will air in August and want to hear from you! If you’ve been listening for awhile or a new listener, I’d love to know if there was a particular episode that you really enjoyed and made you take action.  Leave me a speakpipe message of up to 90 seconds.

Say your name, your website and what action you took or why the episode resonated with you. OR you can also leave me a question that you want answered in an upcoming episode!


Can’t wait to hear from you! Have you signed up for the weekly ignite? Sign up here

{E30} Getting Started With SEO With Liz Lockard

Does the thought of SEO make you cringe? Do you struggle with what keywords to use and how to understand what your customers are actually searching for? Liz Lockard joins me today to talk all things SEO: why it’s important, why you need it (even if your target market is 90 year olds), and how you can combine social media and SEO.


Key Takeaways:

  • Get to know your customers-what they are asking you and how.
  • A “keyword” is just a phrase that you type in Google search.
  • Why optimizing for the same three keywords on every page of your site is a mistake.

Resources Mentioned

About Liz Lockard

Liz-Lockard- Marketing ConsultantLiz Lockard is an analytics and conversion nut who loves helping small businesses get more of the right kind of traffic and turn more of that traffic into subscribers and sales. She’s been featured in the New York Times, Social Media Examiner, Design*Sponge, The Rise to The Top and more. You can find her on Twitter as @lizlockard or on the web at

Twitter #Hashtags

{E24} The Power Of Hashtags

Have I mentioned that I looove hashtags? Hashtags connect people and ideas and can help your message spread to a larger audience. In this episode, I breakdown why you need to use hashtags and share six strategies to market your business, connect and brand your content.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adding hashtags to your content help spread your message to a larger audience
  • Research the hashtags that influencers in your industry are using
  • Creating a hashtag for your online/offline event is an amazing way to have your event spread to new audiences and allows attendees to connect

Resources Mentioned

I’d love to hear from you! Are you planning on using hashtags for your next live or online event?