branding and marketing - blog

{E69} Creating a Heart-Centered Brand With Cathy Ballard

In this episode, I chat with Cathy Ballard about creating a heart-centered brand and getting to the core of who you are and incorporating this into your story and how you present yourself online.


Key Takeaways:

  • People connect to stories and want the real you, not a glossy finish.
  • Look at your challenges and struggles and see how you can incorporate those into your story.
  • Start with small steps and see what kind of feedback you get.

Sign up for the Weekly Ignite for more marketing tips

About Cathy Ballard

Cathy Ballard - branding and personal success mentorCathy Ballard supports conscious and spiritually aware entrepreneurs, who know they’re here to make a bigger difference in the world, to step into their power and get clear about what makes them uniquely special and valuable. She helps them package their brilliance, attract their ideal clients, and make the inner transformation necessary to create a profitable business that’s aligned with their life purpose and supports their hopes and dreams. Connect with her on Twitter @CathBallard


Fast Fix Fridays

{E66} Fast Fix Fridays #20 Finish the year off strong with YESvember!

It’s that time of year again..when it’s so easy to lose focus and get distracted by holiday parties and you may want to throw in the towel on 2014! Stop right there!

There are still 60 days left in the year to finish one last project and that’s why we are running YESvember again this year.

YESvember is a free 21 day challenge designed to help you finish that last project off strong and connect with others doing the same. Come join here

Yesvember Challenge

{E37} Strive For Progress Not Perfection

It’s solo episode time!! In this episode, I look back at the lessons I’ve learned after 3 years of being a solopreneur. I never imagined 3 years ago the places I would go, the people I would meet. All I know is that I kept my mind and heart open to new friendships, opportunities, clients.

 Key Takeaways:

  • Start before you are ready
  • Connect with other entrepreneurs
  • Do something that scares you!




What’s your biggest lesson learned?  Tweet me at @SandySidhu #BusinessIgnite.

A look back at 3 years of Solo-Preneurship

I never imagined 3 years ago the places I would go, the people I would meet. All I know is that I kept my mind and heart open to new friendships, opportunities, clients. The most important lessons that I have learned in 3 years can be summed up as:

Your ideas may will change.

Your customer avatar may will change.

Your website may will change

(Hey, I may know a thing or two about that! Hello, website #3).




Write the first words on the screen.

Write your first sales page.

Hit publish.

Don’t wait for it to be ‘epic’.

That amazing idea/product/service?

It’s only amazing when you execute it. You won’t know until you try. Keep a notebook of ideas but make sure to come back and revisit often.


Domain names and all that jazz.

You will get stuck and then unstuck and then stuck again. Try to be forward thinking and get something that you can grow with. Preferably your name. If some up-and-coming actress with the same name beat you to it, don’t let that stop you. Just blame your parents for not thinking of a more unique name (seriously, parents-to-be, register your child’s name as a domain name..they’ll thank you later).  PICK something.

Blog themes.

There are a lot to choose from. Choose one and move on. Seriously. Because chances are 6 months from now you will change your mind. Websites are a constant work in progress. Strive for progress not perfection.

Back to that idea.

Keep it short and simple. Minimal viable product. No clue what I’m talking about? Here’s a podcast episode and a blog post and another one. There’s a lot that goes into creating something. Keep it simple.

Start before you are ready.

You don’t have to have everything lined up before you pull the trigger. And if you make a mistake? As long as you’re not dead or haven’t killed’s not the end of the world. Product launches fail. Things don’t get sold out. That’s the unsexy reality of entrepreneurship and it happens more often than people let on.

It’s normal to look.

Check out what other people are doing in your industry. But don’t fall into the trap of comparisionitis. Their client list, their website, it’s their STORY. Be inspired but when the inspiration turns to desperation and defeat..turn inwards. Remember YOUR WHY. And work on creating your story.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Connect with awesome people. Join a mastermind. Join communities. Surround yourself with like-minded, action-takers who will push you higher and bring you that much closer to your goals.



Speaking of goals. Have goals.

And keep them where you can see them. Goals in a word document don’t get accomplished. And they don’t have to be huge. Revisit often and track your wins and failures. Weekly/monthly..break them down into doable pieces.

Say YES!

You never know what is behind door #3.

Remember your WHY

Some days you’ll find it hard and question your WHY. But think back to when you were in a cubicle (and looking for a way out) and the hustle will be all worth it.

Be of service.

Provide value.

You will dislike some clients

and love others but you won’t know until you try that website design and project management may not be your thing.

Hang out with people outside your niche.

It’s eye opening that not everyone thinks about or talks about your products and services the same way you do.

Do things that scare you

Whether that is a podcast, webinar or on-stage speaking (or something else) because it really is when you step outside of your comfort zone that the magic happens and you start to grow.

YOU are an EXPERT.

If you are 5 steps ahead of the people you are helping that makes you an expert. Just don’t go calling yourself a ninja/rockstar/guru. If you have to ask why, I can’t help you. Sorry.

Don’t undervalue your expertise

You’ve honed your craft. Think of the time you are saving your customers because they don’t have to go through the learning process. Charge accordingly. (See above point).

Toot your own horn

If you don’t, who will?. As a non-horn tooter for the looooongest time I’ve gotten better at this over the years. It gets easier. Be classy. #HumbleBrag



Go on Skype Dates/Google Hangouts with other awesome entrepreneurs.


Hire a VA.

Don’t try to be wonderwoman or superman. That whole working in vs on your business. It’s a real thing. STOP while you’re ahead. Tweaking your blog post and SEO keywords is not where you should be spending all your time. Once you know what you have to do, delegate it.

Schedule it.

Put in on the calendar. If it ain’t scheduled. It’s not happening. Even gym time.

Don’t have self-control?

There’s an app for that. If you find yourself spending wasting all your time on social media….set boundaries.

Put your head down.

And do the work. To do lists don’t get done by themselves. Put blinders on, put your head down and focus. Shiny object syndrome is a thing and will rear its head more often than not. Check alignment with your goals.

Hang out IRL

Plan time to be out of the office and meet real people. And have fun. It’s easy to forget when you think you need to be hustling. all. the time.


A little ice cream is good every now and then.

Treat yourself. Celebrate small and big wins. It’s easy to forget and look to the next big challenge but every small thing adds up.

And finally, have fun.

I’d love to hear in the comments, your BIGGEST lesson learned so far!

Episode 17: How To Find Balance As An Entrepreneur with Angela Horn

An important part of being an entrepreneur is learning from your peers. “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” profiles entrepreneurs who have taken the leap to follow their passion and create their own work & lifestyle. They share their expertise: tips for success, tools they use and valuable insights they have learned along the way.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Angela Horn of Balance and Life. Angela shares how she adopted a minimalist lifestyle and how we as entrepreneurs can learn from this lifestyle and apply it our busy lives.

Watch/Listen to the video below and share your feedback below!

Key Takeaways

  • Take a digital sabbatical at least once a week: Take small steps and start with an hour
  • Be mindful of who you friend on Facebook (or follow on Twitter) so you don’t get sucked in to their drama
  • Detach to get creative: it’s too easy to edit yourself on your laptop. Go old school and grab a pen and paper and let the ideas flow!
  • Social media can be a time-suck if you are not mindful. Focus on what you hope to achieve and set limits to how much time you spend

Resources Mentioned

  • Rescue Time: see where you are spending your time and remove any in-efficiences from your day
  • Anti-Social: don’t have the willpower to logout of social media? Anti-social will do it for you.


About Angela

Angela Horn is a Cape Town-based freelance writer, lifestyle blogger and public speaker. Feel free to stalk her on Twitter or harass her via email. Alternatively you can just head over to Mostly Mindful and sign up for her bi-monthly minimalist missives..