Launch your first digital product

Cupcakes and product launch? Huh?

You’ll see what I mean in just a few…

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions about launching digital products. How should I get started? What tools should I use?

In my years working in the software industry, I’ve seen that LESS is MORE and this can pretty much apply to any type of product you want to launch (and any industry) whether it’s an ecourse, ebook, telesummit and so on.

Especially when it’s your first time at it, you’ll be surprised how many moving parts there beyond just creating the actual product.

Creating A Minimal Viable Product

The minimal viable product (which is getting a lot of buzz these days) is an approach where you focus on the core features *without* all the bells and whistles. So take that giant feature list you’ve started with and whittle it down to the bare essentials–say bye bye to the “nice to haves” and focus on the musts..the things that solve your customer’s problems.That’s definitely a good place to start.

You can think of the minimal viable product like a cupcake. Instead of going ahead and building a huge cake with many layers and frosting and then taste-testing it with your potential clients, why not build the cupcake version and have them try it out?

twitter-bird-light-bgsInstead of building the entire cake, make a cupcake and see if your customers like it.  

Start With The Core and Build

I know what it’s like and know how tempting it is to create something even when you may not need all the features.

Figuring out your minimal viable product does take work (talking to people, surveying, testing) but the idea is that you are not creating the whole thing in isolation for months/years *and* then coming out with a product where there is no longer a market or any interest to begin with.

Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize!

What needs to be done now vs what can wait? Does your first online program need to be 10 modules or can you deliver a shorter version that is 3-5 modules?

Do you absolutely need transcripts for your videos or can that wait until you’ve established a larger audience?

And I say this not because I don’t believe that you can do it all but and this is a BIG but…there is SO Much that goes into creating and launching your first product beyond the actual creation..why not start small and build on it?

In the next series of posts, we’ll dive deeper and look at the steps to take to create your cupcake first digital product.

Sign up below to get the entire series delivered in ebook format (for free*).

*does not include cupcakes


  1. Pingback: Launching Your First Digital Product | SidekickPM

  2. Pingback: How To Create A Minimal Viable Digital Product | SidekickPM

  3. Pingback: 36 Online Tools To Create And Launch Your First Digital Product | SidekickPM