Fast Fix Fridays

{E77} Fast Fix Fridays #24 How long should my webinar be?

This is a question I get asked often by my Webinar Kickstart clients, how long should my webinar be? You’ll see a lot of industry experts saying you need 90 minutes of content but I know how daunting this can be especially when you are first starting out. So my answer?

Start small and work your way up! You don’t need to fill up time just for the sake of it, focus on value first. Not to mention, there are many moving parts involved in a webinar (content, technology, promotion) that you don’t need the added pressure the first time around to create a 90 minute presentation. Start small and the second time around you can make it longer and add more content.


Have a question for a future episode? Email me

business online tools

{E76} Tool Time! The essential tools to run your online business

In this week’s solo episode I go over the tools and apps I am using to run my business. Too often we get caught up spending time researching tool after tool so I wanted to share what’s working for me right now.

My biggest takeaway: tools will keep changing but find what works and stick to it! No point in spending all your time researching tools because as I’ve seen over the years- they will change!

Below you will find the tools I am using to run my business, with everything from social media to email management:


Backup Buddy

All in One SEO


Contact Form 7


Click To Tweet

Google Analytics plugin


Social Media

I use a combo of Hootsuite and BufferApp. I use Hootsuite for scheduled content and following conversations and hashtags and BufferApp for content that I want to share on the fly and gets added to my buffer queue.




Images/Image Creation

If you’re looking to create your own images for social media and blog posts:




Deposit Photos


Free Digital Photos




Boomerang (a  must!): This is one of my favorite apps. You can schedule email to go out at certain times (within Gmail)- just because you’re responding to emails on a Saturday night does not mean your clients have to know! Or if you want to break the habit of real-time email reply.


Landing Pages

Landing pages give your visitor a single call to action and decision point and remove all the other distractions from your website. This is helpful for optins (webinars, freebies) and sales pages.

Lead Pages



Go To Webinar

Meeting Burner

Google Hangouts On Air


Screen Capture

To record Powerpoint presentations or actions on your screen (for example, modules in a digital course)

Camtasia (Mac/PC)


Call Recording

If you want to record video/audio interviews or coaching calls:


ecamm call recorder (Mac)

Google Hangouts: Set up through Youtube Live Events as Unlisted


Audio Recording/Editing



Digital Product Delivery





End the email ping-pong and stay on top of your calendar!







Ah yes, the all important’s so easy to get distracted. Here are the apps I use to combat the constant distractions of the Book of Faces


Pomodoro plugin for Chrome (acts as a timer + blocks distracting sites for that period)

Focus@will for concentration

What tools are you using in your business? Let me know in the comments below!

Interested in joining Accelerate Mastermind? We kick off first week of January! Learn more and apply here.


responsive website - natalia real

{E75} The importance of a responsive website with Natalia Real

This week I sit down and chat with Natalia Real of Website SuperHero and we talk all about responsive websites and why you need one.

We get into what responsive design is, the difference between a mobile site and which one is better for most businesses.

Key Takeaways:

  • What is the difference between a responsive and mobile website.
  • Why you need a responsive website.
  • How to create a responsive website.
  • Give people a reason to sign up for your mailing list: no one wants to sign up for just ‘tips’.


How to boost your marketing with a responsive website

About Natalia Real

Natalia RealWebsite Superhero, a.k.a. Natalia Real, helps world-changing women entrepreneurs reach more people and make more moolah by designing + developing gorgeous websites for them that turn visitors into customers. Nat’s addicted to dark chocolate, sunshine, and cuddling with her pup. Click here to get more strategies on how to make your website sell.

Fast Fix Fridays

{E74} Fast Fix Fridays #23 What should I use to sell my first ebook online?

This week’s Q&A episode, I answer the question, “What should I use to sell my first eBook online?”.

Key Takeaways:

  • You need to use a tool that manages the download after the purchase has been made – note Paypal does not handle product delivery
  • Ejunkie: May not be the best-looking interface but it gets the job done and has a flat fee that starts at $5
  • Sellfy is really easy to setup and allows you to offer social discounts


Have a question for an upcoming podcast? Send me a message over at or tweet me @SandySidhu
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webinar success

{E73} Setting up your webinar for success

It’s solo show time and we’re talking all about webinars and how to ensure you are successful when you go live!

Key Takeaways:

  • Platform: Choose one and practice. Don’t obsess about the technology! There are many options: Google Hangouts On Air, Meeting Burner and Go To Webinar, to name a few.
  • Promotion: Aim for a minimum of a week because anymore and people tend to forget. If you are doing a Facebook campaign, budget for at least 3 days to see which ads get better traction and A/B testing.
  • Content: Remember it’s *not* an infomercial. Share your expertise and give your attendees a quick win that they can implement even if they don’t buy from you then and there.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice. Test your attendee experience: the landing page, the autoresponders and the buying sequence. It’s easy to miss something and send people the wrong link.


Webinar Kickstart Giveaway

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a chance to win my Webinar Kickstart package.