Fast Fix Fridays

{E61} Fast Fix Fridays #18 Why should I pay to join an online community?

Why should I pay to join an online community when there are tons of free ones? This is a question I get a lot especially since I run a paid community.

When you pay to join a community, there is some skin in the game and chances are you are going to show up more often, collaborate and get to know people.

The tendency with free communities is to have a lot more “lurkers“, or people who join but never participate or simply only show up when it’s time to promote themselves. It really depends on how well they are moderated.

In my experience with paid communities, you get people who are more committed and you get to build real relationships.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you invest in a community you are more likely to show up and collaborate.
  • Communities are a great way to find collaboration partners and build a name for yourself by sharing your expertise.


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Fast Fix Fridays

{E60} Fast Fix Fridays #17 How should I promote my webinar?

This week’s Q&A episode, I answer a question that I get a lot! How do I promote my webinar? I share 5 or 6 ways you can do that which include Facebook ads, groups and communities as well as how early you should start and the most critical email to getting more people to show up.

Key Takeaways:

  • Start promoting your webinar 3-4 days out since people are busy and need to be reminded!
  • Make sure to promote on the day of the webinar, because you will get a lot of last minute signups and send a reminder email 15 minutes before, as well as share a post on Facebook.
  • Promote your webinar in Facebook groups, Google+ communities (where it’s a fit because no one likes a spammer), use Facebook ads to target your ideal client and reach out to joint venture partners.


Have a question for an upcoming podcast?

Send me a message over at or tweet me @SandySidhu

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Fast Fix Fridays

{E58} Fast Fix Fridays #16 How do I come up with webinar content?

This week’s Q&A episode, I answer a question that I get a lot! How do I come up with content for my webinar? I share 5 or 6 ways you can do that.

Have a question for an upcoming podcast?

Send me a message over at or tweet me @SandySidhu

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Fast Fix Fridays

{E55} Fast Fix Fridays #15 Should I delete my Facebook page?

This week’s question-“I’m not seeing very much engagement on my Facebook page, should I just delete it and use my personal profile?” No! While you can interact and make a lot of connections and build relationships with your personal profile, if someone wants to learn more about you they can find you through your business page.

Not to mention, you need a Business Page to run ads and while this may be something you aren’t doing now at some point you might if you are promoting a new product/service or a webinar or just want to build awareness about your brand.

Have a question for a future episode? Tweet me @SandySIdhu or email me

Fast Fix Fridays

{Ep 53} Fast Fix Fridays #14 Can I Charge For Webinars?

In this week’s Fast Fix Friday episode, I answer a listener question about webinars and whether or not you can charge for them.


Do you have a question for an upcoming episode? Record a message at or tweet me @SandySidhu

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