Fast Fix Fridays

{E86} Fast Fix Fridays #28 What do I need to prepare for my webinar?

In this week’s Q&A Friday, I answer a question I got asked about preparing for a webinar and what (if anything) you need to have on your website to be ready to do one.

Key Takeaways:

  • It’s important to have a follow-up strategy post-webinar
  • How will you continue to engage with your attendees once the webinar is over? Do you have an existing mailing list/opt-in offer?
  • What will you be offering on your webinar? Do you need to create a new service offering?
  • Does the content you are presenting tie back to your overall offerings?


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Fast Fix Fridays

{E84} Fast Fix Fridays #27 How do I overcome the fear of doing webinars?

In this week’s Q&A Friday, I answer a question I get often: I want to do webinars but how do I overcome my fear of doing them?

Key Takeaways:

  • Practice, practice, practice!
  • Things can go wrong and it has happened to many of us but nothing beats testing and trying things out several times before.


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Fast Fix Fridays

{E82} Fast Fix Fridays #26 Webinar or Youtube Video? What’s the difference?

This week’s question: What’s the difference between a Webinar and a Youtube video? I would say the biggest difference is the live interaction component of a webinar. Your attendees are showing up live and have an opportunity to engage and connect with you and ask questions.

Video is great to but serves a different purpose as people can search for it and get to know you and your business. Both webinars and video are good to have in your marketing strategy but serve slightly different purposes: your webinar could be used as list building and community building and something you do on a monthly basis whereas video might be something you do regularly as part of your content marketing strategy.


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Fast Fix Fridays

{E80} Fast Fix Fridays #25:: Should I do a webinar even if I don’t have a big list?

This is a question I get asked often: Should I do a webinar even if I don’t have a big list (or a list at all?) by my Webinar Kickstart clients, how long should my webinar be?

My short answer: YES! Don’t let not having a list stop you from doing your webinar because webinars are *great* list builders.

Key Takeaways:

  • You don’t need a big list to do your first webinar
    (start where you are!)
  • Use webinars to grow your list
  • Promote your webinar where your ideal client is hanging out online


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Fast Fix Fridays

{E77} Fast Fix Fridays #24 How long should my webinar be?

This is a question I get asked often by my Webinar Kickstart clients, how long should my webinar be? You’ll see a lot of industry experts saying you need 90 minutes of content but I know how daunting this can be especially when you are first starting out. So my answer?

Start small and work your way up! You don’t need to fill up time just for the sake of it, focus on value first. Not to mention, there are many moving parts involved in a webinar (content, technology, promotion) that you don’t need the added pressure the first time around to create a 90 minute presentation. Start small and the second time around you can make it longer and add more content.


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