Fast Fix Fridays

{E92} Fast Fix Fridays #31 How should I structure my webinar?

In this week’s Q&A Friday, I answer a question I got asked about to structure your webinar and I walk you through the 6 parts I use to create the content of my webinar.

Key Takeaways:

6 Steps To Structuring Your Webinar:

1. Kick off about 5-10 minutes before and welcome attendees and ask them to introduce themselves in the chat (2-4 min)
2. Welcome/Agenda (2-4 minutes). Mention any freebie bonuses you will be giving away at the end
3. Introduce yourself: share your background, expertise, how you got where you are 4-6 min
4. Core Content: This is the meat of the webinar- share your how-to, what problem you are solving/your system, case studies (20-25 min)
5. Pitch: At around the 45 min mark, start talking about your product, how it solves the problem/painpoints, saves time. Share screen shots, walk through the purchase process (10-12 min)
6. Q&A have questions ready (10-12 min)
Note: you can go with less time or longer and scale the timing accordingly


