Julie Lowe - social media strategies for busy entrepreneurs

{E71} Digging into Facebook Ads With Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe from Socially Aligned joins me today to talk all about Facebook ads and setting them up in the Power Editor. We talk about the importance of copy and conveying your ideal customer’s pain points, good images that are mobile friendly and understanding audience reach and budget.


We also talk about the importance of testing multiple ads, conversion rates and the conversion pixel.


Key Takeaways:

  • Facebook is moving more and more to pay to play but ads do actually work if you do them right.
  • It’s important to address your target audience’s pain points and convey what’s in it for them in your ad.
  • Having a call to action is super important in your ad.
  • Test, test, test! You need to setup multiple ads and test to see what works.
  • Targeting bigger pages is not always better since many people are trying to get in front of those pages.


Facebook Power Editor (currently, Power Editor only works in the Google Chrome web browser)

About Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe - Social Media Strategist

Julie Lowe is a Social Media Strategist and the Founder of Socially Aligned. Julie creates social media strategies for busy entrepreneurs who desire more leads, more sales, and a real plan to grow their business! You can find Julie at SociallyAligned.com

Fast Fix Fridays

{E68} Fast Fix Fridays #21 Should I join Ello?

This week’s Q&A episode, I answer the question, “Should I join Ello?”. There’s a new social network in town that’s getting a lot of attention- Ello. Should you join?

Have a question for an upcoming podcast? Send me a message over at https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/live or tweet me @SandySidhu

Sign up for the Weekly Ignite for more marketing tips https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly

linkedin don'ts

{E67} How *not* to connect on LinkedIn

Ah.LinkedIn..the one we love to hate? I’ve been on LinkedIn forever and it seems that some things never change…What am I talking about? I’m pretty open about who I accept on LinkedIn that is until you do one of the things that is my biggest pet peeve.

What is that you ask? The “pitch” email one second after we’ve connected! Why? Why do people insist on doing this? Instead, why not try to actually work on networking?!

Key Takeaways:

  • Instead of just pitching people one second after you’ve connected try to find something in common
  • Ask yourself, would I do this offline? Social media is no different!


There are still 60 days left in the year to finish one last project and that’s why we are running YESvember again this year.

YESvember is a free 21 day challenge designed to help you finish that last project off strong and connect with others doing the same. Come join here http://www.thrivehivelive.com/yes

Fast Fix Fridays

{E60} Fast Fix Fridays #17 How should I promote my webinar?

This week’s Q&A episode, I answer a question that I get a lot! How do I promote my webinar? I share 5 or 6 ways you can do that which include Facebook ads, groups and communities as well as how early you should start and the most critical email to getting more people to show up.

Key Takeaways:

  • Start promoting your webinar 3-4 days out since people are busy and need to be reminded!
  • Make sure to promote on the day of the webinar, because you will get a lot of last minute signups and send a reminder email 15 minutes before, as well as share a post on Facebook.
  • Promote your webinar in Facebook groups, Google+ communities (where it’s a fit because no one likes a spammer), use Facebook ads to target your ideal client and reach out to joint venture partners.


Have a question for an upcoming podcast?

Send me a message over at https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/live or tweet me @SandySidhu

Sign up for the Weekly Ignite for more marketing tips https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly


compare accomplishments

{E59} 3 Ways To Break Free Of Online Comparisonitis

This week I’m tackling the topic of comparisionitis and how to break free of it and focus on your own business.

It’s so easy to get caught up and look at what other people are doing online and social media- how do you keep this in check?

Key Takeaways:

  • Have a strong support system, join a mastermind group
  • Be transparent, people want to connect with you and your struggles and know that you are real #StopCuratingYourLife
  • Manage your social media time and use apps if you can’t do this by yourself yet


How do you keep compairionitis in check? Tweet me @SandySidhu

Sign up for the Weekly Ignite for more marketing tips https://www.sandysidhumedia.com/igniteweekly