Last week I posted this question on my Facebook page as I was curious to see what other people use to manage their to-do list on a daily basis as well as when it comes to a product launch.

The responses varied and included several which I am currently using and others that I plan on checking out.

Erica Lee from EngineerYourLife uses TeuxDeux to manage her to-do list. Teux-Deux is a no-nonsense web-based browser app that lets you create and manage your to-do list. There is also an iPhone app so you can sync your updates.

Luz Garcia-Pennock of LovelyGalPosh uses her Google Calendar to track and manage her daily to-do items. I use this method as well and like blocking off specific times to work on things.

Angela Horn from Balance and Life has gone back to using the good old-fashoned paper and pen method and finds crossing items off very gratifiying. I totally get that and sometimes have found myself adding items to the list that weren’t there just so I could cross them off 😛

What do I use?

I started using Action Method recently and like the fact that I can organize tasks by project and have a visual overview of what needs to get done. I also use a paper to do list and post-it notes because there is something about the tangible-ness that I can’t seem to shake. I have a wall in my office where I post the projects and their respective to-dos because it’s always in front of me where I can see it.

Clearly there is no one-size fits all method but the key is to find what works for you that allows you to get things done!

Whether we’re in the middle of a product launch or just keeping up with the day-to-day, we need a way to keep track of everything that needs to get done. Let me know in the comments what you use to stay organized and on top of the always growing to-do list!


  1. Claire

    Hi Sandy,
    Mostly I’m like Ang and just use pen & paper. There is something SO satisfying about crossing things off. I have just finished ‘The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin who advocates making a list of all those jobs that you just can’t get to & then when you have a few spare minutes to tackle one. It is amazing how something that can cause a lot of mental guilt and drag can sometimes be done in just a few minutes.

    • Sandy

      I’m with you, Claire! I looove crossing things off a paper list.
      I’ve read the Happiness Project, too! great read. Thanks for stopping by!