Facebook..we finally get comfortable with it and then changes again!

You’ve probably seen and heard by now that Facebook has introduced changes on the Business Pages. One of the biggest changes was the removal of the welcome tab/fan-gate- basically the way people enticed people to like their pages with an offer. This has a lot of people up in arms since they invested time and money getting those customizations done and it now presents a new challenge to getting people to join your community.

What does this mean for you as a busy entrepreneur juggling many aspects of your business every day?

In this short video, I discuss one KEY thing to remember when you invest your time and efforts into an evolving platform like Facebook.


  1. Ray Hiltz

    You make an important point here – Facebook is not your property. Any of these platforms should be used to refer people to your “home”.
    I find it funny how personally people take these changes.
    It’s as if someone broke into to their home and rearranged the furniture. (Insert gay burglar joke).
    Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday at MEEX 🙂

  2. Sandy

    It’s amazing how “angry” people get about something they are using for free!!!
    Facebook is not a static platform and will continue to evolve..and if we as entrpreneurs/business owners are going to hitch oursleves to that wagon..we have to remember that.

    See you soon!!
