google plus getting started

{E18} The One Thing You Must Do On Google+ With Shannon Hernandez

Join me for an exciting episode with Shannon Hernandez where we geek out about all things Google+. We talk about the key areas that you MUST fill out, the small change that he made that led to a 30% increase in opt-ins during Hangouts On Air, and how to get the most out of your Google+ experience.

What You’ll Learn In This Podcast       

  • Why Google+ is not just another social network
  • Why filling out your profile completely is a MUST
  • How to use hangouts to run your next webinar



Resources Mentioned

About Shannon J. Hernandez

 Shannon Hernandez Shannon Hernandez is an on-air radio personality, podcaster, and social media/online resource. He assists small business owners optimize their marketing efforts through cloud productivity suites and increase their visibility on social media. He is also an authority on podcast generation and audio imaging production


Ignite Your List: How To Do Webinars With Hangouts On Air

List building…we all know we have to do it but how much time do we really spend on it?

This year I decided to make it priority numero uno.

As much as I love social media it moves fast and not every update gets seen. When you email your subscribers, you are in their inbox, where the chances of being seen are much, much higher.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not dropping social media (not at all!), I’m just focusing my efforts more on my list.

Which brings me to webinars. I love speaking and presenting…I  just don’t love the costs associated with doing webinars (because I was never really doing them enough to justify the costs).

However, when I look at the activities in 2013 that brought the biggest boost to my was hands-down webinars. While guest posting is important to develop credibility, in terms of building your list, nothing really compares to webinars when you consider you have a very targeted list of people who have signed up to receive information and possibly buy from you if you have something to sell.

Webinars allow you to share your expertise and further build the know/like/trust factor with your community.

Running Your Next Webinar as a Hangout On Air

There are several reasons that led me to try out and change to this new technology.

  • Save BIG on webinar fees: Google Hangouts on Air are free! No need to pay high monthly fees, especially if you are not doing webinars very often.

  • Unlimited Viewers. You don’t have a limit on how many people can view your Hangout On Air unlike webinar plans which generally have limits and require more $ for more viewers.

  • Share your screen or share your smiling face. You can make it as casual or as formal as you like.

  • Automatic Recording: Your event is automatically recorded to YouTube so no more dealing with forgetting to record! Your recording is ready for replay right after the event.

And by no means is this a “cheap” alternative, industry-leaders are using this very same method to engage with their community and prospects to make sales!

With Google’s Hangouts On Air, you can take advantage of webinar list-building perks without the associated costs.

Here is screenshot from my recent: “3 Reasons Why You Can’t Ignore Google+ in 2014” webinar that I ran using Google Hangouts On Air.

using google hangouts on air to record webinars

and the chat below:

webinar  using Google Hangouts

using google hangouts for webinars


My goal was to bring new subscribers to my list so I marketed the webinar outside of my existing list and over the series of 3 webinars that I did between late February and mid-March, I was able to grow my list by 35%.  I was not creating new content each time, in fact, it was the same webinar that I would improve upon each time. In terms of time investment, these webinars were around 30 minutes. I plan on experimenting with the time during the next series but the point is..with Google Hangouts On Air you can do them as often as you choose! No need to worry about the recording, either. It gets streamed to YouTube and you can share the recording with your attendees after.

Is there a catch?

Google Hangouts on Air is not webinar software so there are a few steps that you have to do manually. For instance, I needed to setup a landing page, which I did easily using LeadPages:

Screen Shot 2014-03-19 at 3.00.39 PM

I also needed to setup a mailing list in MailChimp to capture the leads and send the subsequent reminder emails to. I subscribed to Chat Roll and used this to engage with attendees during the webinar.

The first time I set it up took me the longest as I had to figure out all the moving parts, however, I made sure to document it because once I did the first one..I was hooked! I am definitely going to be continuing using this webinar-strategy in 2014.

Are you as excited about this as I am? If you want to add webinars to your marketing strategy (without the associated costs), get a copy of my WebOnAir guide which walks you through the exact steps.

Do you plan on adding webinars to your marketing strategy this year? Let me know in the comments!

using hangouts on air to run webinars

{E16} The Power Of Online Communities: Business Growth, Relationship Building & Micro-Economies

In this episode of the Business Ignite Show, I talk about the power of online communities and how they are integral to developing your business online.
Why communities? They are perfect way to build relationships, work on the know/like/trust factor and tap into micro-economies. I also talk about “drive by” link dropping vs engagement, getting out of the echo chamber and where to find these communities online.

What You’ll Learn In This Podcast

  • How to find communities online
  • Drive By vs Interaction: Why this won’t win you any business
  • Echo chamber vs Interested Based and the power of the micro-economy



Sites & Resources Mentioned

Planning and Tracking Marketing

{E15} Plannning and Tracking Your Marketing With Jessica Oman

In this episode of The Business Ignite show, I chat with Jessica Oman of Write Ahead and we discuss the importance of planning and tracking your marketing efforts. How much time are you spending on different activities and what is your ROI? Jessica also shares the tools she uses to effectively measure her marketing efforts as well as track new leads.

What You’ll Learn In This Podcast 

  • The importance of figuring out your customer avatar
  • People underestimate how much time they spend on marketing and the true time costs
  • Start tracking where your leads are coming from the beginning- how did they find out about you?

Sites & Resources Mentioned

About Jessica Oman jessicaoman Jessica Oman is the founder of Write Ahead, where she writes business plans that pack a punch and make investors and lenders pay attention. Connect with her on Twitter @Writeahead.       If you enjoyed this episode I would appreciate if you could head over to iTunes and leave a review!

{E14} 13 Ways To Get Off The Content Creation Hamster Wheel

Do you feel like you are always creating new content to spread the word about your work? And once you finish something it’s time to start the process all over and it feels like a never-ending hamster wheel of content creation? Madness, right? In this episode, I look at how to get off the content creation hamster wheel and get more out of your existing content.

What You’ll Learn In This Podcast 

  • Give your content new legs by adapting it to different platforms
  • You don’t always have to be creating new content but look at how you can repurpose it, for example turn a blog post into a short video or audio clip.
  • Experiment with different content formats.



Sites & Resources Mentioned

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