creating your first online product

Creating A Minimal Viable Product Part 3: A Look At Thrive Hive

In the series, “Creating A Cupcake: Instead of the Whole Cake”, I’m taking at look at how to create a smaller version of your digital product before going all out with the full version. This approach, known as a minimal viable product, allows you to focus on delivering a very specific feature without all the bells and whistles and build on it as you incorporate feedback and learn.

I see it as the K.I.S.S approach to product development (keep it short and simple) and can be applied to pretty much anything. For example- starting out with social media? Instead of trying to DO IT ALL- start small, join a few key platforms and then take it from there!

In this post, we will look at an example of a minimal viable product and the tools that were used to create it.

As a techy who loves to try every tool out there, I definitely have to reign myself in more often than not!

Creating A Minimal Viable Product

For instance, when launching Thrive Hive, an online community for women entrepreneurs, we could have chosen anyone of the following options:

($ no to low cost, $$ moderate, $$$ high)

  • Option 1: Set up a custom white-label network using Ning which starts at $25/month not to mention the setup time involved. $$
  • Option 2: Set up a new WordPress site with a membership plugin- costs: hosting, domain, membership plugin, development time $$$
  • Option 3: Use our existing websites + private Facebook or Google+ group $

Choosing The Tech

Cost was not the only deciding factor when we decided to go the direction we did (which was option 3) but rather what was it that we were trying to accomplish and who were we trying to serve.

We could have easily spent months developing a custom site and then promote it and share it with our communities. This would mean more time developing and less time learning what worked and what didn’t work. It also meant getting people in the habit of spending time on yet another site.

Removing Barriers To Increase Engagement

The same would apply to using Ning, while the development cost would be less we would still have to encourage people to spend time on another site.

However, our target market is already on Facebook (sorry, Google+) and spending tons of time there. Did we really want to add the barrier of having to go somewhere else to engage? Probably not.

Our goal is to connect women entrepreneurs in different stages in their business, share each other’s content and organize online events such as chats and hangouts.

After surveying our audience and getting clear on what was missing in the groups they were currently participating in, we were able to narrow in on our focus and priorities.

Now that’s not to say we would never consider the other options and we could re-evalulate if we outgrew the existing setup, but it was out of scope for our minimal viable product.

Thrive Hive: A Look At The Solution

Sales page: Landing pages on existing sites Amp and Pivot and SidekickPM.

Payment: Paypal recurring payments for subscriptions

Community: Private Facebook group

Communication: Google group for social media posts + Aweber (for sign up + autoresponders)

Group activities: Twitter chats (#thrivechat) and Google Hangouts

Because we used our existing websites and free platforms we were able to keep the actual cost down and the only expense was our time.

Time to development: From idea to launch we were able to execute on this in only 4 weeks (between 2 businesses).

As you can see, when creating your minimal viable product, it helps to look at what solutions already exist but to choose based on what you are trying to accomplish. And as you learn and grow, you can make changes to the technology that you are using.

In the comments below, I’d like to hear what you are launching and if you are considering the “cupcake” approach!

In the final post in this series, we’ll look at some tools you can use to easily create and launch your first digital product.

 I like to practice what I preach..check out the new live online-workshop I am running in beta on August 30th.


Sign up below to get the entire series delivered in ebook format (for free*).

*does not include cupcakes

Three keys to online product launch.

How To Create Your First Online Product Part 2

In the last post, I talked about getting started with your online product and compared the process to creating a cupcake vs the whole cake.

Now we’ll look at how to decide which product to develop (because you have tons of ideas, right?)

To be successful, your product really only needs three things:

  • Solve a problem
  • People who want it
  • A way to get paid

Before we get into the actual tools that you can use to develop your minimal viable product, it’s important to figure out who you’ve created this product for. So how do you figure that out?

Step 1: Identify The Problem   Things to consider to launch a new digital product

  • What areas do people generally ask you questions about?
  • What pain-point can you solve for people?

Think in terms of problem and solution

Step 2: Who has this problem?

  • Talk to people: Both online (in Facebook/LinkedIn and Google+ groups) and offline at networking events
  • Pick up the phone and talk to key customers- it helps to have structured questions to start the conversation and to let them know how much of their time you will need.
  • Survey your audience using a poll on Facebook, or using a survey tool like Survey Monkey or by creating a Google form.
  • Use tools like Google Keyword Search to see how people are searching for problems that you are hoping to solve

STEP 2 is critical. It’s better to start with an interest list then creating a product that no one wants. And by surveying customers and talking to your audience you will get additional insights as to what problems your ideal customer is struggling with.

In the next post, we’ll start looking at easy low-cost ways to produce and deliver your online product.

Your turn:
Start investigating and figuring out who you would create your first online product for…Leave me a comment below and share the results of a survey you’ve done / or share a link to your survey!

Sign up below to get the entire series delivered in ebook format (for free*).

*does not include cupcakes

{Launch It} 3 Tips To Surviving Your First Product Launch

I don’t know Murphy personally but he sure seems to show up when I least expect it, like a few days ago in the middle of a product launch I was supporting.

Case in point- this giant distorted Paypal button:

Doesn’t look right, does it?

I’ve only added PayPal buttons to websites hundreds of why would this time be any different?

Well, turns out Murphy was right.

“When anything can go wrong, it will.”

I was a little dumbfounded as to why this particular button was acting up.

WordPress site, Paypal button..shouldn’t be too complicated, right?

I double checked the code just to make sure nothing had happened between my copy and paste and sure enough it didn’t…so what’s the deal?

I quickly turned to my BFF, Google and did a search with PayPal buttons and the Thesis theme (which this particular WordPress site was running) because I suspected that there was probably an issue with the theme.

What do you know: there’s a known issue with Thesis and PayPal buttons!

Argggh! Hair-pulling out moment. I mean, seriously?!

This was the last thing I needed right then.

It was a pretty quick fix with a line of code added to the custom.css file but all this to say is that you can plan for everything  during your launch but often it’s the things that you least expect that don’t end up working.

Are you about to embark on a product launch or thinking about one in the near future?

My advice:

Stay Cool

When things are getting sticky and you don’t seem to be moving forward: step away from the problem and give it some distance. The brain has a way of working on things even when you are not actively working on them and when you come back things are clearer and you are more likely to solve the problem! #win

Thing Big. Start Small

Especially, when it’s your first  product launch.

Product launches are super involved and have a lot of moving pieces beyond just creating the actual product. There’s the nuts and bolts involved behind the scenes from setting up your shopping cart, sales page, affiliates, and auto-responders, just to name a few. My suggestion: take that big idea you have and try to release it in smaller parts rather than taking on something huge for the first time around.

Have A Buffer

You can plan all you want but unexpected things like giant PayPal buttons can and will happen.  In your case, it might not be that exactly but it could be an unexpected delay from your graphic designer, audio missing in your video recording (<–it’s happened)and so on.

Give your product launch plan buffer to account for these last-minute glitches.

Have anything to add? Have you ever experienced something like the case of the distorted PayPal button? Let me know in the comments!

From Stuck to Unstoppable program early bird special ends November 1st. Get that idea out of your head and out into the world! Sign up here today!

Episode 14: From Stuck To Unstoppable: Benny Hsu’s $30K app launch success story!

An important part of being an entrepreneur is learning from your peers. “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” profiles entrepreneurs just like yourselves who have taken the leap to follow their passion and create their own work & lifestyle. They share their expertise: tips for success, tools they use and valuable things they have learned along the way.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Benny Hsu of Get Busy Living. Benny shares how he moved from being stuck and fed up of constantly ‘hoping’ for things to change to finally taking action and making things happen. He talks about how he launched his first app without having any programming knowledge but the desire to learn and find resources that could help him.

Watch/Listen to the video below and share your feedback!

Key Takeaways

  • How he launched an app that made $30 000 in the first month-without any programming knowledge
  • Consistency is important and beats out trying hard in short bursts and burning out
  • Model someone’s success: see how they did it, how you can learn from them and reach out!
  • It’s never too late to get started
  • You don’t have to have all the skills: figure out what you are good at and get help with the rest using outsourcing

Click to Tweet:  Hope is not a strategy. You have to take action to move forward -@Benny_Hsu

Click to Tweet: Appreneur @Benny_Hsu shares how he got unstuck and took the leap to launch his first app #entrepreneur

About Benny Hsu

Benny Hsu is an appreneur and blogs at Get Busy Living where he shares insights about pursuing your passions and having financial freedom to be your own boss in life. He has developed two apps and is launching the AppAcademy this fall.


Get the first chapter of ‘From Stuck to Unstoppable: How To Go From Idea To Launch‘ and learn more about Benny’s story and how he moved from being stuck to launching an awesome app!



4 Ways Highly Commented Blogs Can Help You Grow Your Audience Online

The other day I was out for a walk in my neighborhood and noticed a man busking on the street corner. He had his guitar out and his case open, ready to accept money from passers-by.

My first reaction was: why is he sitting there? Of all the street corners in the city, he chose the most off the beaten path that got barely any foot-traffic except for the people living on that particular street.

It was quite evident from the $3 in his case that maybe his strategy wasn’t working out for him so well.

This is all going somewhere.. 🙂

It got me thinking about the early-days of setting up your blog, online presence or launching a product.

Whether your website, blog or product launch is 6 weeks or 6 months out, apart from a product and content you also need traffic and an audience.

Sure you can spend time SEO’ing your site (and highly recommended) but you can’t just sit back and wait for the traffic and audience to come, especially in the early days.

You want to play your music and be heard, dammit!

I hear you!

Go Where The Conversations Are Already Happening

While it is great to produce massive amounts of content (just like I’m sure the busker was playing good music), without an audience and engagement it can feel a little lonely.

Agreed, you need awesome content for people to read when they visit your site but there is also significant value in spending time where people you can help already are.

Tons of conversations are happening all over the social web and here’s why you need to:

Hang Out On Popular Blogs

These sites attract comments like bees to honey. They are well-established and as soon as post goes up the audience is ready to engage and share their thoughts.

What you can gain from spending time on these blogs:

  • Observe: See what types of problems other people in your niche are having and how they are talking about them
  • Share your expertise by replying and offering value
  • Connect: and build relationships with other bloggers and find new blogs
  • Attract: Show up often enough with your quality comments and you will attract people to your site
  • Ideas: Comments are an idea gold-mine..a lot of people ask questions about how to do something/advice and chances there are other people with the same problems and questions.

Bonus: Get on the radar of the actual blogger (although this probably would take longer on a highly visited site) but not impossible if you do it right.

Note, you don’t have to do this on hundreds of blogs and spread yourself too thin. Choose a few that are well-known in your niche and make it a point to visit and engage regularly.

I spent some time in the comment gold that is Marie Forleo’s site, just reading and replying to comments when I had something valuable to contribute.

I connected with new people, discovered new blogs and got ideas for future posts where I could address some of the questions that people were asking.

And by leaving insightful comments, I must’ve piqued some people’s curiosity because I got traffic and signups to my newsletter! #win

Don’t be that lonely busker who is open for business but still waiting for visitors..go where the action is!

Woud love to hear your thoughts! Leave me a comment!