How to Run Facebook Ads Effectively

There is a foundational piece that many businesses are missing when it comes to Facebook ads..and costing them $$.

There are still many businesses out there who are running their ads without having the Facebook pixel setup.

Why is the pixel so important? I talk about in the video below and here as well.

Re-targeting campaigns (when done the right way) are the easiest types of campaigns to run AND they are the MOST most profitable, too.

When you setup the Facebook pixel on your website, landing page, ecommerce store like Shopify, ticketing site like Eventbrite, you are able to create audiences of those visitors.

Once you create an audience of website visitors, you can then show up in their newsfeed and show them specific ads.

If you need help setting up the Facebook pixel, here is a short training that will get you started.

Zuckerberg gets rich(er) every time you do this 😱

First off, I just need to get this off my chest. I share this with my newsletter peeps every few months but every.single.time I see an ad in the feed and then click over to the website and don’t see the Facebook pixel installed….I’m LIKE WHY, WHY? Why are you just handing over your hard-earned dollars to Zuckerberg like that? THERE ARE MORE FUN WAYS TO LOSE MONEY. Not to mention, less frustrating. Because who wants to pay $$ to get little to no results?

I even posted it on my Facebook profile.


Facebook pixel setup

Because I can’t stand the missed opportunity. When you have the pixel installed and then run ads…magic happens. You get to show up to people who ALREADY have visited your website but may have gotten distracted by other shiny objects before completing their signup/transaction/purchase.

Still with me?

Here is an example of a client retargeting ad campaign that I started a few days ago and the Facebook pixel had only been installed for 5 days when we got these results.

Facebook Ads For Events

Yes, that was 1.67 spent to generate 360 in sales. Do the math. That is a pretty EPIC return.

I’m not sharing this to pat myself on the back but rather to show you what is possible.

Now you’re probably thinking, HOW CAN I GET IN ON THIS ACTION? I’ve tried Facebook ads and they don’t work/are hard/always changing.

Start by installing the Facebook pixel. Not sure how? Watch this free training and get setup in minutes.

Once you’ve setup and installed the pixel, you can then setup Custom Audiences which you will use in retargeting ads.

Whether you are running ads in the next month or a few months from now, installing the Facebook pixel is key to lowering your ad costs and staying top of mind with potential customers.

Ready to use Facebook ads but not sure where to start? Join the FAB Ads Club and get training + support TODAY!

Facebook Ads support for business owners

Serious about generating leads online for your business? Do this first.

I’m going to take a guess and assume you are here because you

1) want to get more leads for your business and

2) heard you can accomplish this with Facebook ads.


Ok, great!

Well, I want to make sure that before you even start with ads that you do this one thing and make sure you have everything setup to work FOR you.

What exactly is that? It’s the Facebook pixel. And it’s a game-changer. And in fact, when I see people running ads and don’t have it setup on their site, I’m like WHYYYYYY.

In a nutshell, the pixel helps you build audiences off of people who have visited your website and which you can then target on Facebook. Warm traffic is much easier to convert to leads and sales than people who don’t know you yet.

And it takes no time to do.

So go ahead and take 3 minutes and and get your site ready to start running those lead-generating ads!

Watch the Facebook Pixel Training here.