Zero To Done: Your First Webinar

Frustrated by all of the endless marketing strategies you try every day without seeing any new clients or sales?

Discover how you can simplify your marketing strategy and tap into an endless stream of new clients and sales- in half the time of your current marketing efforts!

Every day you are hard at work at the grind from following up with prospects, spending time on social media and doing a myriad of things that you think you should be doing to grow your customer base and reach more people online. It works and it doesn’t. You find yourself alternating between feast and famine and never quite sure if you will pay next month’s bills.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

What if I told you there a way to stop the “trickle” marketing and turn things up a booming notch and reach more of the right people all of the time.

Hi, I’m Sandy Sidhu, digital strategist and idea igniter SandySidhu150x150_round.png

I’m on a mission to empower more women entrepreneurs to step out of their comfort zone and play a bigger game online.

You have a message that needs to be spread and heard by more people.

But how?

I’ve been exactly where you are. Doing all the little things that I thought I should be doing in my business: tweeting, pinning, blogging and hoping that someday it would all add up. Sure, it brings people to my site and generates interest but it takes a lot of time.

There is another way to do things that will allow you to make more sales, get more clients and end the feast/famine cycle once and for all.

Webinars are the fastest way to drive high-quality leads to your list

Webinars have been a game-changer for my business.


Through webinars, I have been able to

  • establish authority,
  • grow my list,
  • connect with my community
  • make sales of products, services, membership programs and retreats.

Instead of waiting and hoping for one sale a week or a few signups to my list, I am now able to generate huge interest whenever I want.

You can do this, too.

I know you might be thinking- What will I talk about? What can I share? I don’t sell programs.

Or that you don’t have the time to figure out the technology and all the moving parts involved.

I’ve got you covered.

With the Ignite Online method, you will learn how to:

  • Turn webinars into your #1 list building strategy

  • How to create content that positions you as an expert in your field

  • To promote and profit from your webinar

I know technology can be a challenge and is most likely stopping you from making this bold move and shift in your business

With the Zero To Done Webinar Program, we are going to get your webinar DONE!

Use webinars to grow your list and make sales

You will walk away with a presentation that will rock (and sell to your prospects), a promotion and follow up plan and all the technology pieces setup and figured out so you can run this over and over again.

BrendaI put on my first webinar and it went off without a hitch! Actually it came out great because I used Sandy Sidhu’s WebOnAir DIY Webinar Guide to set it up. I NEVER could have done it without her step-by-step guide and her great personal assistance throughout in her online community. She was there every step of the way, including testing out that my social media links on my Leadpage were working before it the webinar live. Now that is above and beyond. I’m a coach, I’m an actor, I am a one-person show mentor. One thing I am not – a technical person. I did it anyway with Sandy’s help. Thank you so much! ~Brenda Adelman, Forgiveness and Freedom

 Natalie Cutler-WelshI love Social Media, teaching and talking but I must admit the ‘tech’ side of things were what held me back from running my first webinar. Sandy’s program gave me an awesome step-by-step guide on how to get set up so that I could rock it at the webinar! As much as I love the DIY approach, having Sandy there to help me with the weekly calls was just the kind of hand holding I needed! Natalie Cutler-Welsh, Go to Girl Social Media & Networking


Here’s how we will work together:

Kick Off Call: 75 minutes of brainstorming your webinar presentation

Training Library: Access to my training library with videosPdfs, swipe copy. Everything you need to setup your webinar from your mailing list, opt-in page, and webinar technology.

Weekly Calls (x3): Leading up to your webinar we will meet once a week for 45 minutes to work on your webinar content, practice the webinar technology, and go over your promotion and follow up plan.

Webinar promotion & follow up plan: Get the exact plan and steps to promote your webinar

Your investment: $697  (or 2 payments of $350)


Before I bought Sandy’s WebOnAir guide, I was having a lot of trouble deciding what platform to host my webinar on, and how to set up the video and live chat. The guide really sped up the process for me and her instructions were clear and easy to follow. Having the guide and her checklist at the end helped me make sure I had everything in order. When we went live, everything worked perfectly!  Jessica Oman,



I’m in! What’s next?

1. Schedule a 20 minute call with me and we’ll figure out if this plan will work for you

2. Once we decide to work together, I will send you a welcome package and we’ll get started!