Are your Facebook ads not converting?

Maybe your audience is just not ready for your message…

Or they are busy and not checking their phones…

Or you might not have a good ad…

It’s hard to predict what your audience will respond to. You can make a very educated guess but until you put your ad out there, you won’t know if it works or not.

What do you do if you ad isn’t working?

  1. Restart. Try a new ad with a different angle for the same audience. Sometime the audience is ready but the ad isn’t quite right.
  2. Restructure your audience. It could be that the audience you are targeting is not a fit for what you are selling  even free training/ ebooks are products and you are selling people on taking their time to watch/ read your stuff) Change your audience and see if a different one is more responsive to your offer.

Tip: When you make these changes- duplicate the adset/ad so that you can have data you can use to compare.

I just did that with a client of mine. We thought we knew what to offer but when we tested 3 different ones we actually got really clear on what her audience really wanted. It pays to test!

You won’t know what will work until you put it out there. Put your stuff out there then look at the data and be willing to change what you need to.

Want to skip the thinking/ guessing part of creating ads?

JOIN FAB ADS CLUB TODAY! FOR ONLY $7 you can try out FAB ADS CLUB for 14 days and take out the guess-work of creating your ad campaigns.

Facebook Ads support for business owners

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