Today I want to take you briefly down memory lane…all the way back to Kindergarten!

(Yes, I’m going waaay back but you’ll see why it all makes sense in just a bit!)

Show and Tell.

Remember when you were asked to bring in your favorite toy/book/ and show it to your classmates and talk about it? And everyone would ooh and ahh?

Well, that works in business as well.

Instead of just talking about what you do to potential clients- why not show?

That could look like:

  • Doing a video walkthrough of your membership site (people love behind the scenes)
  • Demoing a product you sell and how to use it
  • Showing how you do something (designing a logo, setting up an ad campaign, making a recipe, prep for a consult)….

And while you’re at it…tell them what’s next. What should they do?

  • Go here to learn more
  • Sign up for a call
  • Download …

Because I’m always testing what I share here, I recently did my own “Show and Tell” and booked 22 discovery calls in 2 weeks!!

And it didn’t require many moving parts. Here’s what I did:

  • Recorded a screen-share of how I run an ad campaign for my spa/chiropractor/gym clients that gets results
  • Uploaded video to Facebook and created ad (but you could always try just to your page first)
  • Call to action was to book a call and linked to my online scheduler such as Calendly, Acuity(affiliate link).

And the really great thing about this? People are coming on the calls ready to discuss next steps. They have seen what you do and already have questions about how it can work in their business.

There you go! Super simple, nothing fancy required!

What do you think? Is this something you will try?

Want do discuss your Show and Tell strategy? Book a free 20 minute consultation.

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