Start Today

I’m reading “Poke the Box” by Seth Godin right now and although short (around 80 pages), it is filled with valuable insight.

As Seth puts it, it is a “manifesto about starting”, not just “thinking about it” but

leaping, commiting and making something happen

which got me thinking how often do people get stuck at the starting line? How often do we become our own barriers to starting? Or we put off launching something because it is not “perfect” yet? We come up with all these things we think we need to do before we actually start, get overwhelmed and then never end up doing anything.

A year from now you will wish you had started today -Karen Lamb

Starting is important. Your first blog post won’t be nearly as good as your 100th but you need to go through that process to get better and improve.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you first start something new but chances are you can break down your ideas into smaller pieces and chip away at them bit by bit.

The world is waiting for you! Get unstuck . Stop watching and start doing.

                                                                                        Source: via Sandy on Pinterest



I’d love to hear what you’re starting and working on in the comments below!

Unstoppable Entrepreneur Episode 6: Rachel Lewis of Kiwi Oz Nannies shares her top tips for newbie entrepreneurs

An important part of being an entrepreneur is learning from your peers. “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” profiles entrepreneurs just like yourselves who have taken the leap to follow their passion and create their own work & lifestyle.

This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Rachel Lewis, Director of  Kiwi Oz Nannies and she shares valuable insight on getting started with your business as well as the importance of ‘THINKING BIG’.

What Rachel of KiwiOzNannies shares in this interview:

  • How she got started as an entrepreneur
  • Why she loves running her own business which include: freedom, choosing the direction to go in
  • Her top 3 tips which include: work for a business that does what you want to do first so you can get the experience faster (and is a common sentiment amongst successful entrepeneurs)
  • Her favorite tools which include: Zoho, Evernote and Hootsuite

You can connect with the Kiwi Oz Nannies on Twitter and Like them on Facebook!

Enjoy Unstoppable Entrepreneur? Want to be featured or recommend someone? Email me at

Mindset, Brand-Building and the Cloud

Color Washed Grainy Seamless Retro Patterns 4

Sounds pretty random doesn’t it? But these posts totally rocked my week, had me pumped and motivated to get things done, so I just had to share.

Developing a Killer Mindset (and by killer I mean success/winning )

In his post, “Why you can’t always trust the voice in your head”, Srini Rao tackles this head on with solid advice on how to develop a successful mindset: Say It, Be It, Live it and See It.

“the voice in your head is a bit of a drama queen”

OMG, I loved that line! It’s soooo true! That voice in our ends tends to go a little crazy every now and then, doesn’t it? That was awesome and the part about not having a Morgan Freeman like voice in our heads. Who would be the female-equivalent, I wonder!

Now go read it and do it, okay!  (well, finish this post first!)

Creating a Bad-ass Brand

If you haven’t yet listened to an episode of David Siteman Garland’s Rise to the Top, what rock have you been hiding under ;). I get it, I get it..the web is huge and you just haven’t reached this awesome part yet. This link that I’m sharing is to opt-in to David’s Create Awesome Video series and even if you aren’t planning on doing a web-series anytime soon, there is just so much gold in his free videos about creating your brand that it is worth checking out. And he is so high-energy, it’s contagious. I also must’ve laughed out loud at least 5 times. Edutainment =Winning. Get on it!


And last but not least, my favorite Suitcase Entrepreneur, Natalie Sisson, who is pedalling her heart out in South Africa right now, shares with us tips on how to use the cloud to run your business and do more easily. And she would know!!  Btw, if you haven’t yet donated to her Human Powered Awesome campaign, you can do that here.

That’s it folks! I don’t think this post can handle anymore awesome.

Until next week!

Oh and please share any interesting  links you’ve come across!

the lovely photo is courtesy of Webtreatsetc